Wyoming Cancer Resource Services

By: Stephanie Weed

No better way to show your love

than to keep yourself Cancer-free

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Do you know the secret to cancer prevention? There is no secret

· Vaccinate Early (HPV/Cervical Cancer)

· Screen Regularly for early Detection

· Eat your fruits and veggies and lean proteins

· Exercise

· Don’t Use Tobacco

· Limit Alcohol to 1-3 glasses of wine or beer daily

World Cancer Day is February 4th. What does that mean?

Every February 4th, the world population unites in the fight against cancer. Events are planned in cities around the world to raise awareness about cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment.

World Cancer Day aims to save millions of preventable deaths each year by raising awareness and education about cancer, and pressing governments and individuals across the world to take action against the disease in all of it’s many forms.

Wyoming Cancer Resource Services is our local Wyoming hub for cancer education, prevention, testing, early detection and treatment resources.


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