Imagine Yourself Floating Effortlessly in a Peaceful Space...

By: Stephanie Weed
Photography by: S² Creative Marketing

The stress of the day is far away. Your mind is free to drift and tension easily melts away. While in the float room, you will be completely relaxed, suspended in a dense water solution of pure Epsom salt. This creates the effect of near zero gravity. Your entire body, including internal organs, muscles and bones will be, for the first time, completely rested and at ease. There is typically no light or sound during your float session.

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The air and water are maintained at skin temperature and the water is soft and silky to the touch. Free from the functions of interpreting and processing light, sound, temperature, gravitational forces, the brain is able to expand into areas ordinarily inaccessible except during deep meditation.

Stress is left behind, healing takes place more rapidly, learning and creativity is enhanced. Feelings of profound peace are induced by the release of endorphins. After your float you’ll feel positively refreshed, rejuvenated and calm, a feeling that can last for days.
Documented Health Benefits of Floating


Medical benefits of Epsom Salt

Our Zero Gravity Therapy floating rooms each have 10 inches of water and 1,000 pounds of dissolved Epsom Salt! An Epsom salt soak has been a time-tested plan to ease pain and relieve inflammation, making it beneficial in the treatment of chronic back pain, sore muscles, edema, bronchial asthma, migraine headaches, restless legs, diabetes, blood pressure, fibromyalgia and so much more.

Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate. Magnesium is important to the enzyme activity in your body. More than half of all Americans have a magnesium deficiency, which is believed to be a factor in many health problems. Sulfate also plays an important role in your body. It contributes to the formation of brain tissue, joint proteins and the wall strength of the digestive tract. Epsom salt therapy helps restore magnesium and sulfate in your system because they can both be absorbed through your skin. Your skin will be glowing and feel silky soft after each session!

Benefits of Zero Gravity Therapy

Relieves pain from injuries

  • Decreases inflammation and speeds the healing process

  • Increases production of endorphins

  • Relieves pain from arthritis

  • Boosts immune function

  • Relieves pain from migraines

  • Improves circulation

  • Relieves chronic back and muscle pain

  • Reduces blood pressure, heart rate & oxygen consumption

  • Promotes peaceful relaxation

  • Helps prevent sports injuries

  • Eliminates fatigue and jet lag

  • Decreases the production of cortisol

  • Heightens visualization

  • Deepens meditation

  • Diminishes depression, anxiety and fear


Floating And Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be hard on your body as you try to adapt to hormonal changes and extra weight. Balancing your pregnancy with daily life; including your job and family, leaves little time to care for yourself. Soothe your back in water that gives you complete support and the feeling of weightlessness.

The float room is a wonderful haven for pregnant women. If you have any concerns about the effects of floating on your pregnancy, we ask you to consult, and get permission from, your
physician before you float.

Pregnant women find they can totally relax in the float room, relieved from the burden of carrying the baby, due to the gravity-free environment.
Medical Benefits of Flotation Therapy

Injuries and floating

Flotation therapy has a number of medical benefits. In the gravity free floating environment the body balances and heals internally as all the senses are rested. Research shows flotation therapy measurably reduces blood pressure and heart rate while also lowering the levels of stress related chemicals in the body.

Old injuries and stress related pain experience immediate relief as floating helps blood circulation and the re-absorption of stagnant fluid in inflamed areas. Float Therapy also speeds the muscle recovery time for athletes. Medical research has documented the decrease in chronic pain after floating!

We maintain the highest standards of water quality in our float rooms. Each room is filled with 200 gallons of water and a 1000 pounds pharmaceutical grade Epsom salt dissolved into it. That concentration of salt alone would be an excellent sanitizer, but in addition to that, we use a powerful dose of ultraviolet light, ozone, a daily treatment of non-chlorine, all natural shock and a heavy duty filtering system.

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The entire sanitation system runs 24 hours a day. There are no chemicals used in our float rooms. Maintaining a chemical free environment, with sparkling clean water is our commitment to all of our clients.


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