By: Katelyn Parker

The last nice days of fall before the weather turns cold, and the landscape is blanketed in white, are some of the greatest days spent outdoors. Nothing is taken for granted, the colors are so warm and vibrant, and the breeze carries a small whisper of the weather to come. These perfect days is WY I choose to live in Wyoming. In this story I reflect on one such day recently experienced in the hopes that it inspires other Wyomingites to put pen to paper (or fingers to keys) to describe examples of WY they choose to inhabitant Wyoming.


The Perfect Wyoming Day

It was a beautiful October day so, naturally, we had to take advantage of what could be one of the last nice days before the weather changes. We drove the winding canyon roads to our desired destination. Being in bear country and having the hunters to contend with, we decided to stay close to the river and just let the dogs run and soak up the day. Although a good plan, the Wyoming landscape had alternative intentions for us. Desiring a small walk, we travelled a short ways up the trail leading further into the mountains. The beauty of the day kept propelling us further. Somehow the danger of potential bear encounters and the risk of a stray bullet faded away.

The Unexpected Explorer

Diverging from the trail to explore river tributaries, hunting for rocks and animal traces, we were shoulder deep into our unexpected adventure. Things rarely go as planned when I go out exploring. It is as though nature draws me in, pulling me further and further into its depths. I find myself wondering what the opposite riverbank has to offer, what the view is around the corner and over that hill and what kind of wildlife may be spotted if I just go a little further. The scenery itself kept moving us forward in our journey as well as the perfect weather conditions. We couldn’t have asked for a better day.


Optimal Conditions

Although everyday spent outdoors in Wyoming can be magical, the days where the wind is low or non-existent, the temperature is perfect and there are blue skies as far as the eye can see, offers an experience that is unlike most. The conditions were perfect, and we couldn’t help but soak up every drop. Enjoying tank top and sandal weather in late October is not the Wyoming normal. Inclement weather hadn’t yet forced the leaves to fall prematurely, and early snow runoff hadn’t caused the water running in the rivers and tributaries to be too cold to wade. Beyond perfect temperatures and circumstance was the tantalizing imagery mastered by the landscape that kept us going, not wanting the day to end.


Fall Color Palette

The fall cultivates a spectacular color palette on the Wyoming landscape. The Cottonwoods and Aspens are vibrant in their golden attire, the rocky mountain faces are dressed in purple hues, the blue mountains are streaked in white from the first snow, the dusty blue green of the sagebrush, the changing colors of the river and the bright sandy earth that provides the foundation for it all.  The autumn landscapes are a strong contender for fireworks and spring blooms. The colors surrounding us as we moved through the mountain valley were exhilarating and we couldn’t help but feel an abundance of joy.

Dancing Light

As we edge closer to the autumnal equinox, the sun slips behind western mountains earlier in the day. Walking the river valley in the late afternoon provided us the opportunity to watch the shadows slowly creep down the eastern facing slopes until the valley is a juxtaposition of light and dark. The sun is strong on the western side, providing a delicious warmth while the other half of the valley was being put to bed. The landscape changes its appearance and just when we thought we had grown accustomed to our surroundings, the scene changed, and we were enthralled all over again. Reaching the end of the trail, we turned around, looking forward to seeing it all again in reverse.


Reflection and Gratitude

Six miles and a few hours later, we arrived back at the truck and were all slightly melancholy that our perfect day had to come to a close. The drive back was spent in reflection and gratitude for the day we were lucky enough to experience. It’s these perfect Wyoming days and the opportunity to seek these experiences any time I please, that justifies my reason for WY I choose to live in Wyoming.


What are some of your reasons WY you live in this great state? We would love to hear your stories and feature them in future issues of the magazine. Share your experiences with Live WYld and our readers. You can email your stories to Take us with you on your adventures and tag @LiveWYldMag and #LiveWYld. Happy exploring!


Game Birds In Wyoming


The Wyoming Frontier Prison