The History of the Sheep Wagon

Another Wyoming Contribution to Society

By: Katelyn Parker

Most people agree that the sheep wagon design, that we recognize today, was first established in Wyoming, possibly influenced by the wagons used by European Gypsies. The design came about as a necessity to have a portable dwelling for sheepherders. Wyoming sheepherders braved the harsh winters and required a structure that could protect them from the elements, while tending their herds. The dwelling needed to be portable and efficiently designed to provide its inhabitant with anything they may need while living a life of solitude in some of Wyoming’s harshest climates.


Why Change a Good Thing

The thought and preparation that went into the design of the original sheep wagon was so efficient that, in over a century, the design has relatively stayed the same. Built to utilize and maximize the space, there has never been any reason to change it. Most sheep wagons feature a Dutch door which can be opened as a whole or only the top half. The purpose of this design was to allow the herder to have access to ventilation and to be able to listen to his flock without risking access to his dogs or wild animals. To provide a heat source, sheep wagons came stocked with a wood burning stove that was used for warmth and cooking. The wagon had to be able to hold all the supplies the herder would need for months at a time, so storage is abundant. These little houses on wheels provided the herder with everything he would need in the winter months.


Sheep Wagons Today and What They’re Used For


Today sheep wagons continue to be widely sought after and have become an American novelty. Today sheep wagons are still used as a home away from home. Some act as additional guest quarters, tourist attractions, vacation rentals or a fun place for children to have sleepovers. A sheep wagon would make a great addition to any vacation rental, campground/RV park, hotel/motel, expanding investment opportunities. It would also make a great addition to your personal property, placing a little bit of functional Wyoming history in your backyard.


Get Your Own

Now, I know what you’re thinking: I must have a sheep wagon, where can I get one? It’s your lucky day! The Cody Country Art League in Cody, Wyoming just happens to be raffling one off. Visit their website at Tickets are $40 for one or $100 for a bundle. All proceeds benefit the Cody Country Art League and local artists. Get yourself a raffle ticket and may the odds be with you.


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