By: Katelyn Parker

The sun was shining brightly, and the birds were chirping and chattering, enjoying the warmth of the sun on this cold winter day. The landscape was blanketed in snow and the sunshine bounced off each crystal of snow, causing the scene to glitter and sparkle. A gust of wind lifts some of the snow from the trees, creating a light show before settling in its new home.



A Perfect Day

‘Squatch thought to himself how lovely it was to live in this beautiful forest. Although life in the winter is presented with its challenges, ‘Squatch loved the peacefulness of winter. On a calm day, the world almost seemed to be standing still. The snow creates a sound buffer which provides the illusion that everything is sleeping, waiting for the world to thaw and awaken.


On this particular day, ‘Squatch was on a mission for food. His stores have nearly run dry, and he must take some uncharacteristic risks in order to get what he needs. His normal food source of twigs and berries are buried and dormant under several inches of snow so ‘Squatch has to turn to scavenging to sustain the remainder of the winter. To remain hidden, ‘Squatch must keep his tracks concealed from onlooking humans. Today is a Saturday and the mountain is teaming with humans enjoying winter recreation so the risk of being spotted is high. Stealth is imperative for this mission to be successful. He would wait for a slower day on the mountain, but others were depending on him to bring the bounty back by evening.


A Stealthy Disguise

Sticking to the trees and the deeper snow, ‘Squatch made his way toward Antelope Butte with ease. His wide feet make his trek through the snow easy, and he was able to move through the forest without making a sound. When he made it to the edge of the tree line that bordered the ski resort, he dug up a bag he had hidden near the base of a dead tree. From the bag he pulled the elements of his disguise. A winter hat, ski googles, a face mask, ski bibs, a winter coat and a set of skis and boots. Donning his new apparel, ‘Squatch was ready to infiltrate. He made his way to the parking lot, looking for unattended vehicles that had packed lunches waiting to be eaten by hungry skiers. Working quickly and quietly, ‘Squatch was able to scavenge a fair amount of food but not enough to sustain without having to do this again in a week or two. He had to go deeper into his scam.


Close Calls

He approached the ski resort, which was currently quiet, being after the morning rush and before lunch. He released his boots from his bindings and leaned his skis on the rack. Making his way inside, he was approached by a young boy coming in from the bathroom. The boy remarked on ‘Squatches height and in a panic, ‘Squatch simply positioned his hand into the “hang loose” symbol and to his relief the boy just said, “right on”. Now inside, “Squatch snuck his way into the kitchen, filling his bag to the brim with anything he could find. Feeling content about his bounty he made his way back to his skis. On his way out he was met by another skier who was late to the slopes. “How’s the snow out there?” asked the man. ‘Squatch gave a thumbs up and rushed out the door, grabbing a full bag of bird seed as he left.



Quick Escape

Clicked into his bindings and gliding quickly back to the tree line, a weight was lifted from ‘Squatches shoulders. He had made it! Back at his hiding spot he removed his disguise and shouldered his bag and began his trek back home. Using the trees for cover he zigzagged through the Bighorn National Forest, dodging snowshoers and cross-country skiers along the way. Finally reaching his lair, feeling certain he wasn’t spotted or followed, he took a seat on his favorite stump and waited.


Friends and Neighbors

Passing the time by taking in the beauty of his home and reflecting on the successes of the day, ‘Squatches awaited visitors began to arrive. First it was the chattering squirrels, frolicking playfully in the trees. Next to arrive were the birds, floating weightlessly on top of the deep pillowy snow. Scanning the boundaries of his camp he finally caught a glimpse of his last invited guests, the fluffy bunnies hopped effortlessly over the snow to join him where he was sitting. Reaching into his bag, he presented the squirrels with a bag of mixed nuts, the bag of birdseed to the birds and two heads of lettuce to the bunnies. His gifts were accepted with excitement and gratitude and ‘Squatch was so pleased that he could make his neighbors so happy.


Getting himself a snack, he sat back and watched the sun sink closer to the treetops. He anticipated spring but, at that moment, thought he had never seen the world look so beautiful. Happy and full, he let his eyes get heavy with sleep and blissfully surrendered to a peaceful slumber that only comes after a day as blissful as this.


Alpine Skiing- Making Memories


Gliding Through a Winter Wonderland- Cross-Country Skiing