Celebrating International Coffee Day with Timber Jack Joe Coffee

By: Sarah Reish | Photography by: S² Creative Marketing


How do we celebrate International Coffee Day? With a Wyoming favorite of course! Surf Wyoming made a name for themselves with their unique and vintage brand styling focused on apparel, stickers, and drink ware. They continued to expand their brand with their wonderful coffee line. 

The unique branding style carried into the packaging with use of vintage color palettes. The coffee is available whole bean or ground in a medium or dark roast. We tried both the Rendezvous (Medium) Roast and the Medicine bow Black (Dark) Roast. And to top off celebrating International Coffee Day we tried all of our coffee together in Steph’s new kitchen! 

We started with the Timber Jack Joe, Rendezvous Medium Roast and to keep things WYld we used our French press. I am 100% positive coffee tastes better when made with a French Press. Our medium roast coffee we got in whole bean so we ground it down and measured out two Tablespoons per cup. We boiled our water and slowly poured it over the coffee grounds. After waiting 4 minutes we, as slowly as humanly possible, compressed the top down to separate the grounds from the water. We tried the coffee two ways. Black and with flavored creamer.

Coffee Tasting


Timber Jack Joe - Medicine Bow Black - Black

If you like a strong coffee, check this one out. It maintains the smoothness that we got with the Rendezvous medium roast, but a stronger bolder presence that we love! Served black you could easily make this your go to for early morning or a casual weekend. 

Timber Jack Joe - Medicine Bow Black - With Creamer

Okay, now we are talking. While the medium roast is amazing in every way, the Medicine Bow Black is the stronger big brother. So when you are camping on day three and struggling to get rolling on a cold morning, pull a package of Timber Jack Joe, Medicine Bow Black out and you are sure to get rolling. With creamer you get the oomph you need with a buffer. 

Timber Jack Joe - Rendezvous - Black

This coffee is smooth and energizes the soul. Perfect for a cold morning when you don’t want to get out of bed. In my opinion this is the perfect roast and flavor profile for camping and enjoying in front of a campfire! 


Timber Jack Joe - Rendezvous - With Creamer

Yummay! So some of us like black coffee, I, Sarah, am not a fan. I can tough it out if needed and always enjoy a coffee tasting, but for some serious caffeinating I need a good creamer. The coffee is strong enough to support the creamer without getting lost in the flavors. I am definitely a fan of this coffee! 


Timber Jack Joe - Extra Credit - Making Coffee Concentrate for our very own Live WYld Iced Coffee Recipe!

For those of you who haven’t made your own coffee concentrate, here’s how you do it:

In a mason jar stir together equal parts room temperature water and ground coffee. Leave it on your kitchen counter over night and in the morning strain out the grounds with a cheese cloth. refrigerate remaining concentrate.

We decided we needed to see how this coffee handled itself as a concentrate for iced coffees and we are more than pleased! We did make it the night before so it was planned, but we decided we will always have a mason jar of the concentrate on hand because it is that delicious.

Timber Jack Joe Coffee, by Surf Wyoming

Overall, we have zero complaints. This coffee is amazing and we love that it is local and part of the Surf Wyoming product line-up. Be sure to check it out on their website or visit one of their stores. If you have it already be sure to post a photo of yourself enjoying your Timber Jack Joe and tag @livewyld and @surfwyoming

Happy Caffeinating!


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